Yes But However Podcast

Discover all the available podcast episodes here

Season Three

Betsy Molly Kathy

April 2022

Episode 4: Boundaries: The Sequel

In our first season (ep 3), we discussed how to create and enforce healthy boundaries with family, friends, and clients. Now it’s time to turn the mirror around.

In this episode, we take a hard look at why maintaining boundaries can be such an internal struggle and talk about what might work better.

Betsy Molly Kathy

April 2022

Episode 3: Training Hacks

How does anyone find time to take additional classes or training…let alone practice their craft when running a business (or working for an employer)?

In this episode of Yes But However, we share our tips for fitting in the time to upskill.

Betsy Molly Kathy

April 2022

Episode 2: Catalyst to Learning

Is learning a case of nature vs. nurture when it comes to entrepreneurs? Betsy, Molly, and Kathy discuss what gets us into the “classroom” and away from paying work. See if our experiences match yours on this episode of Yes But However.

Betsy Molly Kathy

April 2022

Episode 1: Mastery vs Training

Do we control time or does it control us – or is there a co-dependency? In this episode of Yes But However, Betsy Muse, Molly McBeath and Kathy Fealy talk about working weekends, lobbing the ball, “creating new days” and ways to disconnect from work so we can enjoy time.

Season Two

Betsy Molly Kathy

December 2021

Episode 8 - Lightning Round!

What do busy entrepreneurs and podcasters do when they’ve got more tasks than time? Record a lightning round, of course! In this episode, we challenge each other on gifs, social proof, cursing, and how we really feel about business advice from “experts.”

Betsy Molly Kathy

December 2021

Episode 7 - Outgrown Your Pot?

Should you change an aspect of your business or life? Only you can decide. Hear how, with a few “planted” questions, Betsy, Molly, and Kathy “root out” the challenges and benefits of growing our businesses — and ourselves.

Betsy Molly Kathy

November 2021

Episode 6 - Tackling Time

Do we control time or does it control us – or is there a co-dependency? In this episode of Yes But However, Betsy Muse, Molly McBeath and Kathy Fealy talk about working weekends, lobbing the ball, “creating new days” and ways to disconnect from work so we can enjoy time.

Betsy Molly Kathy

November 2021

Episode 5 - Annual Biz Planning

Most of us enjoy sitting down with a favorite beverage and making plans for the future. But life will always throw a wrench in those plans. In this episode of YBH, we discuss what annual planning offers the entrepreneur and whether it is worth your time… or is a waste of time.

Molly Kathy Betsy

october 2021

Episode 4 - Authenticity

Templates abound in marketing. While they can be a useful starting point, they also encourage a society of sameness (aka “corporate Memphis”). Now that almost everything has moved online, how do you authentically sound like yourself?

Molly Kathy Betsy

october 2021

Episode 3 - Lessons Learned

In this episode of Yes But However, Kathy Fealy, Molly McBeath, and Betsy Muse discuss how we each have made changes to our business and lives based on the lessons we’ve learned in the trenches – and both Molly and Kathy learn a new networking technique based on Betsy’s insight.

Molly Kathy Betsy

october 2021

Episode 2 - Feast & Famine

The feast and famine cycle is a famous dilemma in entrepreneurship. But is it inescapable? And if it is, would you want to leave it altogether or just smooth it out a bit? We discuss what we appreciate about the fast times and the slow slogs and how each of us approaches this classic conundrum.

Molly Kathy Betsy

october 2021

Episode 1 - Imposter Syndrome

It’s a new Yes But However season and we’re starting off Episode 1 on two ends of the spectrum. Should you tackle or embrace Imposter Syndrome? Join Molly McBeath, Betsy Muse and Kathy Fealy as we discuss how each of us face this little creature that rears its ugly head from time to time – oh, and anything that creates this much havoc isn’t pretty.

Season One

Molly Kathy Betsy

July 2021

Episode 9 - Decluttering Demons: The Sequel

In this follow-up to episode 4, Betsy, Molly, and Kathy keep their promises to check in about how they’re doing in their efforts to declutter and how each is faring with her own decluttering demons. 

Molly Kathy Betsy

June 2021

Episode 8 - Productivity Part 3

Kathy starts out Part 3 on productivity with the question “Just how important is productivity, really?” We discuss our responses, plus talk about how to set realistic expectations to meet your goals.

Molly Kathy Betsy

May 2021

Episode 7 - Productivity Part 2

Molly, Kathy, and Betsy continue the discussion on Productivity. This episode reveals our favorite resources and tools, plus we talk about how the idea of productivity provides its own challenges.

Molly Betsy Kathy

May 2021

Episode 6 - Productivity Part 1

Productivity is both a goal and a shackle. In this first segment on productivity, we look at what “productivity” means to us and whether productivity in business is a skill you can transfer to the rest of your life.

Molly Kathy Betsy

April 2021

Episode 5 - The Merits and Demerits of Processes

We consider some age-old questions: Do processes help you move faster in business or create rigidity that slows you down? Should you always do certain tasks the same way or should you be flexible? Spoiler alert: Our answer is yes.

Molly Kathy Betsy

April 2021

Episode 4 - Business Decluttering

Everybody loves a clean desk. But where else in your business are you weighed down, overwhelmed, or disorganized? In this episode, we talk about all the ways clutter sneaks into your business and how to root it out so you can focus on what really matters.

YBH Podcast

April 2021

Episode 3 - Business Boundaries

Some people love boundaries, some feel caged by them, and some need them to flex like Stretch Armstrong. In this episode, we discuss the struggle to create useful boundaries and what works for each of us.

YBH Podcast

April 2021

Episode 2 - Messaging Mailbox

Marketers get spam in their mailbox just like everybody else. What’s different is that we like to tear down those messages and see both the good and the appalling ways people try to connect through email.

Molly Kathy Betsy

April 2021

Episode 1 - Introducing Us

In this first episode we talk about what we do in the wild world of marketing, what it’s like to run our own businesses, and how we are not at all the typical voices of our industry.

Wanna know when the next episode drops?